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New Classes

There are two new classes at Jefferson Junior High – PE and Life Skills.

PE is a hybrid class between online coursework and indoor and outdoor activities. If a student doesn’t wish to participate they will be inside and working on their online coursework to make up for the lack of participation.

Life Skills is an “integrated class” within the Academic Labs. Academic Labs provide enrichment and acceleration in literacy and math. iStation is the program used for literacy while Khan Mappers is used for Math. These two programs are intuitive and provide practice and enrichment based on students’ performance.

Life Skills will be taught by our counseling staff. They will rotate amongst the Academic Lab classes and provide instruction on various topics relating to self-efficacy, anger management, handling anxiety and depression through the use of relaxation skills, information on health issues relating to drug use and tobacco/vapes, the pros and cons of social media, and other pertinent topics that adolescents are dealing with.